20 February, 2022
As Stephen Hawking once said, “whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe or you just want to pursue a career, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.” In a world that’s so dependent on technology, educators, parents, and researchers have started embracing the possibilities that coding can bring for kids – not just in the classroom, but across the curriculum and into their futures. Code Inspire aims to make sure that no child is deprived of equal access to learning, valuable skills, and opportunities.
20 February, 2022
Learning is best when it’s fun! In CodeAdvantage’s afterschool coding classes, kids get a comprehensive introduction to programming through project-based courses that combine core STEM concepts with exciting activities. Our classes for beginners don’t just teach kids the basics of coding but grow their confidence, encourage creative expression, and inspire new interests.
8 February, 2022
Kids love to try something new and fun, and their learning experience is certainly more successful when it involves interactive and exciting activities. Luckily, coding for kids is continually evolving – and we’re not just talking about the coolest new app or robot toy!
10 November, 2021
Coding games are one of the best ways for kids to learn to program, as it combines education with exciting visual elements and a playable result. Pygame is a beginner friendly platform used by millions of people all over the world to program 2D games with Python, one of the world’s most popular coding languages and a great introduction to text-based coding for older learners
10 November, 2021
Kids who need something a bit more hands-on have several options available to them which nurture their understanding of software and physical computing. Today, we are going to look at two of these options – the micro:bit and Raspberry Pi – and explore which is better for your kid.
2 September, 2021
Minecraft has become the world’s most popular video game and has sold nearly 240,000,000 copies since its release a decade ago. Players can choose from different modes which govern how the game is structured, including Survival mode, where they must fend off the attacks of lurking monsters; Creative mode, where they can collect unlimited resources and build to their heart’s content; and life-or-death Hardcore mode.
23 August, 2021
The disruptive effects of the pandemic on yet another academic year are compounded by the so-called ‘summer slide’ that occurs during the school break.
21 August, 2021
Many of the world’s most successful men have a background in computer science, and their inventions have revolutionised the world we live in and provided jobs, education and entertainment all over the globe. These men all started from the bottom with computers and coding – but where did they end up? And how could young people nowadays follow in their footsteps?
12 August, 2021
Remember the old days, when one desktop computer was shared between the whole family? The joys of dial-up internet, squabbling over who’s turn it was, and – if you were lucky – one parent had a work laptop, leaving more screen time for the kids. Now this seems like a world away. We carry the whole world of human knowledge in our pockets and even young kids have limitless access to screens.
12 August, 2021
What do the Mars Rover, C-3PO, the Roomba and the Furby have in common? They are all powered by robotics. Robotics is one of the most fascinating, diverse and important spheres of coding, present everywhere from the household to the hospital and even in outer space. But robotics isn’t just reserved for the professionals: it is the perfect activity for kids of all ages.
12 August, 2021
The necessity for technology in every industry has never been more evident than in the past few months. And year upon year, the range of career opportunities for coders is increasing exponentially. Though it might seem unnecessary for your child to choose their career at a young age, it is never too early for them to invest in their future by learning to code.
3 July, 2021
When we delve into the world of programming, some seriously technical terminology can emerge. But before your kids’ eyes glaze over, there are ways to explain concepts of technology in a way that they can understand.
1 July, 2021
Learning to code for hands-on learners could not be more engaging than with micro:bit or Arduino. These two microcontrollers are perfect for kids who love exciting gadgets, experiments and games!
18 June, 2021
When introducing your kids to coding it is vital to take their interests into account, in order to make their learning experience as successful as possible. Luckily, developing video games is one of the best ways that kids can learn to code, with plenty of engaging visual elements and a fun, playable outcome.
18 June, 2021
Artificial Intelligence has been the mainstay of sci-fi for years. But such fantastical creations as self-driving cars and robotic helpers are no longer the stuff of fiction, and are slowly making their way into everyday life.
11 June, 2021
Even though technology and programming are present in literally every field and offer exciting activities for every interest, many misconceptions abound which discourage kids from learning to code.
2 June, 2021
Gone are the days when budding coders needed a clunky desktop to learn programming. Today, kids can use a micro:bit – a pocket-sized computer developed by the BBC, that introduces them to how software and hardware work together and helps them to learn to code.
15 April, 2021
Digital communication and entertainment has become the center of our world – and our kids’ world too, as smartphones and apps like YouTube, WhatsApp and TikTok have alleviated their isolation during the pandemic. But some might ask whether our kids’ reliance on technology has gone too far.
19 March, 2021
Schools cannot keep up with the times. Many kids only get their first taste of CS and coding when at middle or high school – but in today’s rapidly evolving digital world, this is really too late. By the time a child reaches K-5, they’ll have been exposed to literally thousands of hours of screen time through chatting to their friends on social media, gaming, watching YouTube videos, doing remote learning…
17 March, 2021
In today’s world, digital literacy is becoming just as important as reading, writing and math skills. Yet introducing a young child to the digital world should go beyond sitting them in front of an iPad for hours on end, but should help them understand how technology works.
17 February, 2021
The gender gap in tech did not always exist. In fact, from the Second World War until the 1960s, women constituted the majority of the technically trained workforce in the computing industry! In these early days....
9 February, 2021
We often hear that learning a programming language is just as important for the younger generation as studying a foreign language. If we look at coding through this lens, then this opens up a whole world of learning opportunities in the STEM classroom – after all, the best way to learn a language is to put it into practice!
2 February, 2021
The acronym ‘STEM’ stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics; it is sometimes extended to ‘STEAM’ with the addition of the Arts or to ‘STEM/CS’ to denote Computer Science. Yet in comparison to science and math, computer science and coding receive much less attention in the school curriculum.
23 January, 2021
Inspiring your child’s passion for STEM subjects is invaluable, but with school in an online format, science lessons easily lose their excitement. Don’t despair; it’s possible to bring the thrill back to STEM from the comfort of your own home!
18 January, 2021
This year has made it abundantly clear: we live in a digital world. And although it can be daunting for the older generation to be faced with an onslaught of ever-evolving technology, it is different for our kids.
18 January, 2021
Python and Java are two of the most popular coding languages in the world, used in a huge range of industries from game development to data science. They power the backend of some of the world’s most popular sites and apps: Amazon, Google, Facebook, Netflix and Uber owe their existence to these two languages.
26 December, 2020
The dreaded phrase: screen time. Usually preceded by the words ‘excessive’, ‘addictive’, and ‘harmful’, screen time has become the culprit for all sorts of societal ills, from obesity to mental health issues. Some would say that this is just moral panic;
15 December, 2020
Digital life has eclipsed reality. Using a computer has become the norm for everything, from playdates to pub quizzes. What’s more, school closures and social distancing have forced our kids to spend all the more time in front of their screens.
9 December, 2020
For the programming experience to be a memorable one, children should be taught using an interactive, fun-filled, and project-based approach. Here are seven of the best summer coding camps available for children who want a fun summer of computer programming.
8 December, 2020
We’ve all heard of the Big Tech companies whose wealth is comparable to the GDP of entire countries. And recent controversial (and, frankly, scary) occurrences – election hacking, social media addiction, fake news – have given tech a bad name.
12 November, 2020
Computer literacy is a critical skill for the younger generation. Tech is one of the fastest growing sectors in the US, and the ability to code offers access to lucrative salaries and a leg-up in the ever-evolving job market. But that’s not all. Learning to code requires multidisciplinary thinking, combining creativity, problem solving, self-motivation, and countless other key skills.
5 November, 2020
We’ve all seen the movies: the genius scientist saves the day, helped superficially by his female assistant/love interest. In fact, male characters make up over 80% of all scientists seen on the silver screen.
30 October, 2020
Today’s kids are digital natives, and learning a computer language is just as useful for them as learning a foreign language. Yet watching your kids grow up in a world of rapidly evolving technology can be daunting for parents. Especially if you are a bit of a technophobe, it can be harder to get involved with your child’s learning process.
26 October, 2020
Women in STEM have saved countless lives with their calculations and discoveries, have facilitated momentous events like the moon landing and the cracking of the Enigma Code, and have helped invent the malaria vaccine and GPS. But we rarely hear their stories.
17 October, 2020
When you think of computer programming, what springs to mind? Sitting for hours in front of a screen, memorising indecipherably complex languages, and scrutinising reams of text to find one tiny error?
12 October, 2020
After months of uncertainty about if or when children will return to the classroom, the autumn term has finally arrived. The new academic year looks to be challenging and unsettled, and as of 17th September, only Florida, Texas, Iowa and Arkansas have state-ordered face-to-face instruction on a part-time or full-time basis.
12 October, 2020
When schooltime and home-time blur into one, things can get tricky. And there is no point denying it – remote learning and home-schooling cannot compete with an in-person school day. The lack of interaction with friends makes learning less appealing, and attention spans stray even more than in real-life classes.
8 October, 2020
Now that many schools across the country are remaining closed for the autumn term, parents are forming learning pods as an alternative to remote instruction.
5 October, 2020
Scratch and Kodu are both visual programming languages (VPLs), in which sequences of drag-anddrop blocks are combined to write lines of code. As children do not need typing abilities to get to grips with the principles of coding, these languages are good as a first coding experience.
14 August, 2020
The months out of school are taking their toll. The normal school routine has been turned upside down, leading to battles with Zoom and Wi-Fi, restless children missing their friends and routines, and parents attempting to adjust their own demanding schedules.
6 August, 2020
The fact that Java is one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world is down to its multi-platform ability: it can run on all different devices, from smartphones to desktop computers, so you don’t have to worry about kitting your child out with the latest high-spec PC before they can start their coding journey!
26 July, 2020
Teaching your kid to code should focus on honing key computational thinking skills and inspiring their imagination and creativity. Activities to engage your child in coding can range from playing simple offline games to animating inventive stories, and as coding for kids becomes ever more popular, there are a vast number of resources available to help your child on their computer programming journey.
20 June, 2020
The internet is unbelievably important now, but imagine the role it will play when our kids are adults. In this world of uncertainties, the future of the internet is the one of the few things beyond doubt. Even today the internet of things is no longer the stuff of science fiction; just ask Siri or Alexa.
17 June, 2020
To use JavaScript to its maximum potential kids must also learn HTML and CSS. Though this may sound like a lot when considering learning JavaScript for beginners, it is worth bearing in mind that these languages fully integrate with each other and knowledge of them together is a fast track to a front-end development job, one of the most lucrative and in-demand of all developer jobs. Other career opportunities include full stack web development, and information security software development. This is another reason why JavaScript programming for kids is such an attractive opportunity.
15 June, 2020
Apps and websites specifically made to teach children coding through games now number in the hundreds. With all the options, it’s easy to find a program that works on your kid’s device, fits your budget and is age-appropriate. Even if your kid can’t type yet there are apps that can teach them to code!
8 June, 2020
Robotics can help kids develop transferable skills and expertise in various STEM subjects. Kids will acquire computational thinking, logical thinking, problem solving and experimental skills, and learn to use their creativity and imagination.
2 June, 2020
Surveys conducted by Common Sense Media in 2017 and 2019 respectively revealed that 42% of children under the age of 8 own their own tablet, and that by the age of 11 over half of children in the US own a smartphone, rising to 84% of teenagers.
27 May, 2020
It’s that stage of life when they’re bright enough to master almost anything. Algebra, Shakespeare and Python are all within reach of 10 year olds.
27 May, 2020
Summer camps are a parent’s savior. For some kids, however, the rough-and-tumble camaraderie of camps a million miles away from home with dozens of unknown children is the very definition of hell. Our online summer camps are for the kids who need more than playtime games to fill the summer; for the kids whose eyes light up when they figure out something new; for the kids who have so much to do that they simply don’t have time for sleep-in camps.
22 May, 2020
Organizing activities to fill your child’s summer can be a daunting task. After a whole year at school, children relish the chance to finally relax with friends, enjoy hobbies and sports, and attend summer camp.
12 May, 2020
Are online coding classes the perfect fit for your child? Read our article comparing online and traditional coding classes if you’re not sure.
12 May, 2020
Children nowadays are extremely tech-savvy, the ability to use a device does not confer the ability to understand how it works, and this is where unplugged activities make all the difference.
6 May, 2020
Start off with these 5 questions and be prepared to be amazed by all the smarts your kid has picked up in their coding lesson!
3 May, 2020
Pitfalls in the US computer science curriculum as a whole are impacting computer programming in the classroom...
28 April, 2020
The hottest game of 2020 has to be Roblox. It’s already the world’s biggest social gaming platform and it’s only getting bigger. Though your kids may gush on about it as if it’s the coolest new thing. Roblox is a platform where over 50 million games are shared freely by a huge community of mostly novice developers.
27 April, 2020
It is a professional-level multipurpose language used for web development, data analysis, automation, scientific computing, game development and more, and knowledge of Python can be a stepping-stone to a lucrative career. It is suitable for older children and teenagers but can be used by children as young as 8, and its huge user community can provide support and motivation for coders of any ability.
23 April, 2020
For kids especially, its vital that the beginning of their computer programming adventure starts off on the right foot. Giving them a programming language that’s too hard or not in line with their interests could put your child off coding for good.
18 April, 2020
Kodu Game Lab is a video game development platform developed by Microsoft. The appealing multimedia and multisensory content present on the platform combined with Kodu’s simple and interactive interface renders it the perfect gateway to programming for young children.
12 April, 2020
Scratch is a visual programming language (VPL) which teaches children the main principles of programming via sequences of drag-and-drop blocks, combined to create a 2D world.
8 April, 2020
How can a game with clunky characters roaming pointlessly be so addictive? Why can some ‘Steves’ swim in lava and not die? What on earth is the point of riding on pigs? These and many other questions answered.
3 April, 2020
For the best chance of mastering another language, the earlier you start, the better! This doesn’t just apply to foreign languages, but to programming languages too.
1 April, 2020
There are a number of different coding languages available for children of all levels, from visual programming languages which substitute complex syntax for colourful icons, to professional-level textual interfaces which give a glimpse of real-life coding.
30 March, 2020
It’s now common knowledge that for kids, learning how to code is a helpful, if not essential skill. Here are five tips for making sure your children get the most out of online coding experiences.
28 March, 2020
It’s already clear as day that the future will be online and overflowing with technology. But what about learning? Already many classes which once took place in a classroom have now migrated to computers.
25 March, 2020
It is never too early or too late to start coding. In a technologically dependent society, an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer science, digital literacy, and programming will put kids in a better place for virtually every aspect of their future.